
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year End State of the Family Address

 So another year comes to a close, but what a year it has been!

( there a way to escape New Years cliches?)

How to I summarize the year except to say CHANGE. I live a different life and in a different world than I ever thought I would. It is nowhere close to what might have been my post-college "plans" (I didn't really have any), but now, I can't imagine my life being anything but what it is. God SO knows best. :) More than nine months I have been in Jimani, and it has been a crazy ride of ups and downs and people coming and going and intense personal growth. My Papa Dios is a different person than I thought He was - and not because He has changed, but because I have. I am a little more tired, a little more worn, but a whole lot wiser, and still full of love.

I will be traveling stateside in THREE WEEKS and am super excited to see all the friends and family I have been away from for this time... and I am totally looking forward to pizza and ice cream and salad. Every day.   :)

I hope to share a little more in-depth soon, but here are some pictures  :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Unrequited Love: But I'm Going to Chase You Forever

Unrequited love.

     Most know its heartache, have tasted of it's bitterness and pain - from a simple middle school crush, to deep affection for another who just doesn't seem to care. I, for one, know that my journals from elementary to high school are speckled (sometimes filled) with dramatic entries about my secret crush at the time and how perfect and wonderful that person was and the desire for them to notice and care for me, imagined scenarios and interactions, immature pining. 

     This time, however, it is different. This unrequited love comes from one of those whom I call my daughters, one of my girls. Every night, when I tuck the little ones in, I pray and kiss them good night, saying, "I love you" - sometimes in English and sometimes in Spanish... The usual response is a hug and a kiss back with an echo of (in Spanish or English!) "I love you, too!" 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

To Dispel the Darkness

Where there is light, darkness cannot dwell. And so this, to be Light in a dark world, is my purpose. It is the purpose of all those who follow the greatest Light of all, who is Jesus Christ - Light of the World.  Do I carry His Light wherever I go? Do I carry the Glorious Presence of Him who created Light, so that it shines from my face so brightly that people cannot deny He who lives in me?
High and lofty speech is this, but it is my purpose, what I am created for. To be Light. To dispel Darkness.
Sometimes it is too easy to think that darkness is too big for me to do anything about it, but truly, the smallest bit of light can still be seen in a room full of dark. Think of the power of a single candle in a pitch black room. Even its flickering flame chases shadows to the corners. So it is with me, and so:
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
Yes, this little light of mine,
       I'm gonna let it shine! 

I want to share with you evidence of the Light that is living here at the Children's Home.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A NEW Day in the Life - September 2013

Buddies Yinancia and Eina, both just turned three, playing dress-up
As I sit here thinking about how I can best go through my day, I think, "Keep it short and sweet," but then I am immediately wondering, "How can such a long (albeit fast) day be made short?" So I have once again gone to my hour-by-hour description and hope you will be able to take a glimpse into my world. So much has changed since my A Day In The Life from April.

645am - my alarm goes off and I start to get ready for the day before I wake Yinancia (3) at 7 to get ready for school and go downstairs for breakfast. Eventually leans to ushering along the other kids who leave for school at 745.

Friday, August 2, 2013

It's a GIRL!!! ... Well... EIGHT of them!

Tomorrow brings big changes.

     I once said to a friend, "All I really want to do is be a mom..." 
     His response is one that has stayed with me and has proven true. 
     "Jenna," he said, "no matter what you are doing, you will be a mom."

     Since then, my jobs and other experiences have all put me in a position of "mothering" and now being in the DR, it is more true than ever. When I posted on Facebook the other day that I am going to be a mom (ok, so I admit to being kind of vague on purpose solely for the sake of creating questions), it was not alluding to pregnancy (I promise this is not yet possible) or to adoption (someday!), as some wondered, but to a shift in my role here at Chadasha's Children's Home.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Ever pray for a parasite??

Have you ever prayed for a parasite? I mean, prayed that there would be a parasite inside of you??
Foolish question.

But last week, I did.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

"indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance"

How beautiful it is to be a part of the Lord's work all over the world! It is so encouraging to see updates of other ministries and know that I am bound in Spirit and Truth to the family of God across nations!

God has been doing a great work here in Jimani, Dominican Republic, in me personally and in our family as a whole. We are in a pruning time, transition, learning, growth, pain... all of the above, but I have such confidence that my Papa Dios is moving in profound ways. We have been seeing changes...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Papa Dios

Several times in the last year or so, I have known of people who due to growth in their relationship with God began to call him Papa, or Papa God. It seemed reasonable to me. Jesus calls God “Abba” - the equivalent of “daddy” or “papa” - and I never had qualms about it, but now, I understand. I really understand.

Throughout the day, I wear many hats and am “all things to all people” - sometimes giving mommy hugs, sometimes playing referee, sometimes acting as big sister, sometimes just being a good listening friend. I am teacher, nurse, comforter, corrector, tickler, snuggler, and all sorts of other things. Through all of this, I have learned more of what it is to be a mother. And what it feels like - I have had my heart close to bursting with love and close to breaking with sorrow for my children.

Something I didn't know would happen, though, was that God would teach me so much and so specifically about Himself through my individual experiences. Seems silly to say it, because I should be expecting His instruction... Like secret whispers to my heart, the Lord has been teaching me more about who He is as my Father in Heaven. My Papa Dios.

Some journal bits:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Worth 10,000 Words

There are always going to be more pictures... :) 

Whenever I am not the one with the camera, they all turn into karate ninjas ^_^

...or goofballs... oh wait, that is all the time anyway ;)

Nice backdrop for a basketball court, eh?

SonSon is a "super" colorer

Girls all dolled up for the concert last weekend. So lovely!

Sneaking a photo ;) Lones and Berlisson

Our handsome boys feelin fly ;) They love a reason to get dressed up, too!

(didn't realize I can't rotate the pics once they are in here...)
 It is not unusual to come across a wrestling pile of boys on the floor ^_^

Look who is washing dishes!


Friday, May 10, 2013

Redeeming Moments from the Redeemer

My kids - Hard to handle? naahhh... haha - actually, they can be extremely challenging sometimes. It is difficult enough trying to talk to a 5 year old when there is a language barrier, but when you add on top of that that most of these kids have barely had any regularity, consistency, discipline other than physical punishment, or proper nurturing, it can be an overwhelming thing. And that is why every good moment matters and is an encouragement. 

Yesterday, I handed a boy at the door something and he walked away without saying thank you. Melissa called out to him, "You can't say thank you?" A minute later, he poked his head in again and said, very sincerely, "Gracias, Jenna." What a simple thing it is! But to know this young man is to know that this simple response and action is a huge thing for him. Every child is different. Each has different challenges... And God is working. Sometimes interactions can be so frustrating because you feel like nothing is getting through and what is the point if they are never going to change (does this sound familiar?), but then God shares with me a moment with one of the kids that says, "See? They do hear. They are learning. They do see. And they will know me."  Last week, I reminded 6 year old Wisguebi to have patience waiting for his turn on the bike. He looked up at me, got a thoughtful look and then in his sweet stutter told me that he also wanted love and joy and peace. We have been going through the Fruit of the Spirit for Sunday school... Thank you, Lord.

On one hand, I say that I have the easiest job and ask why God would put me here to love on kids and get colored pictures all the time and hugs and smiles and to fix booboos and laugh together! This is the greatest! ... But I have been learning more recently, as the kids get more comfortable with me and realize that I am here as an adult with some authority, rather than just a friend and a play thing, that life is challenging. Sometimes it is just overwhelming and exhausting and frustrating to have four or five kids hanging on you all the time, calling your name in four different directions, needing you for eight different things, teasing, touching, pulling, jumping, shouting, crying... haha! 

This is my reality. 

But then I have a magic moment -

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Moments in May - a taste of life

... Some of what I have been sharing on Facebook...

May 2, 2013

After dinner, I am often in the kitchen refilling up our water pitchers to put them in the fridge. As I am squatting down with the fridge door open, Kiki comes up behind me and hops on my back. He has a bad habit of launching himself onto me when I am not expecting it and I was about to say something, but decided not to. Instead I just stood up as if I didn't even notice he was there. Well, he stuck. ^_^ And he giggled, and just held on while I went about pouring water. I couldn't resist a bit of extra lovin' on my little one and so we took some photos. 
Please pray that the Lord would protect Kiki's heart and mind from so much that he has already been exposed to at 4 years old. Pray that there would be a softness in him, and a open heart and ear to correction, knowledge of unconditional love, and a future of strength and integrity. He is one that breaks and melts my heart on an almost daily basis. Love him so much...

May 3, 2013

How much laundry do you do in a day? With a family of more than 50 kids and adults,

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Day in the Life - April

Have a taste of what my weekday looks like! Keep in mind that this is a surface summary - there is so much more depth to what we do.

7:00-7:30ish AM -- Wake up because my body says so. A couple mornings (like today) I felt I must have slept in some, but when I finally convinced myself to open my eyes to check the time, there it was, right on 7:30.

8:30ish -- Go down to Nana and Poppo's house for some "porch time" - this includes good conversation, lots of "Buenos dias" as people come in and go out the gate, sometimes a cup'o'joe, and some lovin' for Bob the dog

9:30ish -- Walk down to the Children's Home (I live in team housing on the other side of property) for my morning responsibilities. Two classes meet in the mornings for the kids who do not go to the public school - I make sure classrooms are unlocked, prepare vitamins and snacks for the kids, and set out water and supplies for the teachers. Then I hang out and visit with the kids until their teachers arrive.

10:00ish -- Teachers come and kids go up - we make sure they do not have their radios, hats, etc.

Between 10ish and noon while the kids are in class, my time is flexible. I may be helping with something Melissa is doing, taking some time to do a little Spanish studying, visiting with Maicol, or other things. A couple days last week I spent the time with Nana Rhonda, teaching her some of the basics of Facebook. One day, I climbed up to the top level of our play structure and wrote in my journal. (That was so nice!)

12:00 on the dot -- kids get out of class and I go up to give them stickers for their sticker charts if they have had a good day. (Each kid gets 3 sticky notes next to their name in class. If they lose one, they do not get a sticker. If they lose 2, they lose other privileges like being able to play at the basketball court. If they lose three, they have to leave class and are either given work to do or have to be in their rooms.) Once they fill a sticker chart, they are able to redeem that full chart for a prize or privilege of some kind. Good motivation to behave well and respect teachers. After being bombarded by children declaring, "Tres papel! Yo tengo tres papel!" (I have three papers!), I clean up and lock classrooms.

12:15-12:30ish -- Kids in the public school down the street get home and change out of their uniforms. (They do half-days here.) I greet them with hugs and high fives as they come in.

12:45ish -- When lunch is ready (we have a kitchen staff to prepare our meals - more than 50

Friday, April 12, 2013


For those of you who do not follow me on Facebook, here are a few photos from the past couple weeks... My sunglasses (mis gafas del sol) have been a hit!

As you see the names of these children with each photo, please pray for them. Even though you may not know their individual stories and needs, God does and the Spirit will intercede through you on their behalf. So many have been through so much and yet look at the smiles on their faces... :)
May they continue to shine the Son and grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Him!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm really Here!!!

Hola y bendiciones, amigos y familia!

It is amazing to think that I have already and only been in Jimani (HEE-mah-NEE) for a week and a half! After smooth sailing (well, flying) travel, I jumped right into crazy life here.

Right now I am sitting in my bed up in Team Housing, which is the floor above the clinic on the opposite side of campus from the Children's Home. I am finally feeling fresh and clean from a cool (well... cold) shower after not having water for 2 days. Pizza flavored Pringles are my evening snack of choice and I find that they are just as addictive here as in the states ;)
(click "read more" to ... read more... and see pictures!)

Saturday, March 23, 2013


This is my last post from the United States for a while! Super Mom stayed up with me to help me pack - two 50lb bags, a very full carry on and "one personal item such as a purse or laptop case" :)

Happy news from the week! My school loans are paid in full! God honored my desire to get them out of the way before I left ... within 4 days! haha

Anyway... see y'all next time from Jimani! :)

Bendiciones y mucho amor!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Count Down! - One Week!

I keep thinking that I should have flourishes of profundities in order to write a new post, but really, I am running out of words as the day of my departure draws nearer.

Last week was amazing as I was able to spend time in Massachusetts to visit and spend quality time with some dear people - former roommates and amazing ENC friends, my Scherdell family who gathered to bless me with some cash to spend on "my kids," and last but certainly not least, my best friend's wedding (I keep thinking about Julia Roberts every time I say that ^_^). We had some crazy adventures in preparing for the wedding day (snow storms, for example), but it was all SO worth it and resulted in an amazingly beautiful day and gorgeous bride. ;)

Rommates Michelle and Brittney (photo 2011)
Hadn't played with snow for a while... couldn't resist :)
The newly wed Kaeley and Sterling McNeill
My favorite picture of the day :)

Just today, Kaeley sent me a message with a link to a blog post titled "Single, Satisfied, and Sent." At first glance, a label like this makes one think of the "Jesus is my boyfriend" or "I don't need no man!" type trends that really serve as a cover-up for deeper emotional issues, but I trusted Kaeley to not share with me that kind of fluff. She said, "I hope that God has a nugget for you in it."  What I found was more than a nugget. I got a whole chicken sandwich with all the fixins! Read the whole article here. It is worth it, even if you are married.

The author writes about being in the "not-yet married" stage of life and making the most of it for the Kingdom, because even though marriage is good, the fact is that there is way less flexibility once you get to that point. 

"With the Spirit in you and the calendar clear, God has given you the means to make a lasting difference for his kingdom. You’re all dressed up, having every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3), with literally everywhere to go."
 Whoosh! What freedom! This does not mean that I do not long for that relationship which will make me a Mrs., but I am so much more motivated to focus so much more on Christ and make the most of this time. Please pray for me in this area. I have forever been the dreaming girly girl, but I do not want my personal (and God-given!) desires to be a distraction from my focus now.

Lord, may I use the mother-heart you have given me to pour out your unconditional love to everyone I meet from here to Jimani next week and through the year. I believe that you have a greater plan for me than I have for myself and I trust you to use me in ways I could never plan. Help me to be as clay in your skillful hands. Fill me with grace and patience, a gentle spirit, and cover me in your armor as I face each day. I love you, Father.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Littlest People make the Biggest Prayers

Since I being in Tennessee, I have been serving in the 2year-old Sunday school class during the first service. Last week was my last Sunday with them and I wrote a note to the parents letting them know why I wouldn't be showing up any more. Yesterday I received this message on Facebook from one of the mothers: (click "Read more")

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Twenty-One Days

Twenty-one days is not a very long time. In fact, it is a very short amount of time in which much needs to happen. Three pieces of the "much" that are on my mind at the moment? - best friend getting married, taxes, packing for a year. (How does one pack for a year with a couple of suitcases?? I will find out soon enough.)

I am currently in Massachusetts - had the smoothest travel day EVER on Thursday, a lovely visit with friend Liz who picked me up at the airport, delicious dinner (homemade chicken soup) with my grandmother, and a blessed, necessary time with "bffl" Kaeley which included laughter and tears, hugs, and lots of sharing of hearts. And to think I almost chose bed instead... :)

So 21 days is not a very long time... I have spent almost and entire year waiting and wishing for these days, and now that they are here, there are pieces of me that wish they would slow down a little bit. Isn't that how it always goes. But for me these last few weeks are going to be pretty hectic... Every once in a while, this thing called "stress" threatens to come at me, but then I think about how good God has been to me these last months and about "my kids" in the DR and all negativity fades away. I have been having dreams about when I arrive, but now it is really happening, and it is beginning to sink in... my "open-ended year" ...

The next week, however, is focused on Kaeley's wedding and marriage preparations and I am just so thankful that I am able to be here to support her and celebrate with her. :) As I wrote in her card today, we are each "leaving" each other in different ways - my moving out of the country, her getting married and beginning a new chapter of life - but I know that this friendship is one that will last. I love you, Kaeley!

Celebrated Kaeley's soon-to-be "bridehood" this evening with a bunch of the girls. We had a taste-full "bachelorette" gathering which involved decorating these delicious cupcakes. :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"I love you, Baby"

Meet Evlin (click on this link for a chuckle!) and Cloisi, part of the family at Chadasha in the DR.
These sisters, (6) and (8) respectively, live with their father but come to the Children's Home every day for a safe place and supervision. Before they were with us, they would wander the streets of Jimani with no particular purpose. They are 2 smart little girls who love hugs and to tell you they love you in English. Both were excited to be enrolled in school for the first time this year.

Click "Read more" below for pictures and specific prayer requests for these girls :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

I am Blessed and God is Good.

... that is just how I feel, and I wish there was a better way to say it, but I haven't found the words. I have been accused (and I admit to the tendency ;P ) of beating around the bush, or using many words to say what could be said more clearly in a simple, straightforward way, and so here I say it as simply and clearly as possible.

I am Blessed and God is Good.

This does not mean that life is perfect, that there is no conflict, no struggle, no pain - but I have confidence in who I am because I know Whose I am and that my Heavenly Father and Friend is absolutely trustworthy.

Since I moved to Tennessee to be with my family in this in between time of transition, it has been a struggle. There have been intense periods of loneliness. But it is these times which have led to a sweeter relationship with Jesus. He has been my best friend when I felt I had none, the big brother I never had and always wanted, the lover and caretaker of my soul when I was floundering in sorrow and confusion, and the strength and joy of my heart. As I grow closer to Him, I see more and more of His greatness and am more and more humbled that He would choose me to do anything for Him! But I stand before my Jesus so in love and desiring to show Him my devotion by doing what He desires of me. And I do it with joy.

As I prepare to relocate to the Dominican Republic I pray that I would be confident in God's equipping capabilities. I am beyond excited to see my kids again and to meet all the new

Friday, February 1, 2013

A piece of the Story

Here is some version of my testimony which I wrote out the other day for some "official" business... figured I could make use of it here :)
I was just three years old when I sat with my Daddy and asked Jesus to come into my heart. Because of that fact, I used to think that I did not have a very “impressive” testimony, one that was worth telling, one that would help people see how awesome God is. In the last several years, however, I have seen more and more how precious my testimony is because it is this: God has kept me. He has kept me from so much that destroys so many. I ask why, why me? My only answer can be His amazing grace. I am grateful and only hope that I do not take for granted His favor on my life.

I believe that it was in my home-educated middle school years that my faith, though verbally expressed at 3, truly became my own. I began to really understand what it meant to follow Jesus and two very important and deliberate things happened in my life which solidified in me who I was as a Christian: 1) I began writing in a journal which eventually became the fruit of my friendship with my Lord, and 2) I chose to be baptized as a declaration of my identification with and obedience to Christ. When I went back to public school for high school, I was able to put that faith into practice in tangible ways, for example, praying on the bus in the mornings and afternoons to drown out the stories of the weekend and chatter littered with profanity.

Since then, there has been so much growth and I am amazed to look back and see what God has done...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Beginning Again...

Hello to the world of blogging!

This is an experimental post as I get to know Blogger so that I can keep you, dear friends and family, informed about the time I spend in the Dominican Republic and just what I see God is doing around me. This is SO EXCITING and I hope that you will check back often or sign up for email updates (to the right).

I would love it if you would join with me in prayer in preparing for this journey and as I take each step along the way. Would you let me know if you have prayed for me by leaving a comment? I know I cannot do this without a foundation of prayer for support.

May God be glorified.

Dios te bendiga!

Con amor y esperanza

Find wonder in the little things,
Jenna Christine