
Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Day in the Life - April

Have a taste of what my weekday looks like! Keep in mind that this is a surface summary - there is so much more depth to what we do.

7:00-7:30ish AM -- Wake up because my body says so. A couple mornings (like today) I felt I must have slept in some, but when I finally convinced myself to open my eyes to check the time, there it was, right on 7:30.

8:30ish -- Go down to Nana and Poppo's house for some "porch time" - this includes good conversation, lots of "Buenos dias" as people come in and go out the gate, sometimes a cup'o'joe, and some lovin' for Bob the dog

9:30ish -- Walk down to the Children's Home (I live in team housing on the other side of property) for my morning responsibilities. Two classes meet in the mornings for the kids who do not go to the public school - I make sure classrooms are unlocked, prepare vitamins and snacks for the kids, and set out water and supplies for the teachers. Then I hang out and visit with the kids until their teachers arrive.

10:00ish -- Teachers come and kids go up - we make sure they do not have their radios, hats, etc.

Between 10ish and noon while the kids are in class, my time is flexible. I may be helping with something Melissa is doing, taking some time to do a little Spanish studying, visiting with Maicol, or other things. A couple days last week I spent the time with Nana Rhonda, teaching her some of the basics of Facebook. One day, I climbed up to the top level of our play structure and wrote in my journal. (That was so nice!)

12:00 on the dot -- kids get out of class and I go up to give them stickers for their sticker charts if they have had a good day. (Each kid gets 3 sticky notes next to their name in class. If they lose one, they do not get a sticker. If they lose 2, they lose other privileges like being able to play at the basketball court. If they lose three, they have to leave class and are either given work to do or have to be in their rooms.) Once they fill a sticker chart, they are able to redeem that full chart for a prize or privilege of some kind. Good motivation to behave well and respect teachers. After being bombarded by children declaring, "Tres papel! Yo tengo tres papel!" (I have three papers!), I clean up and lock classrooms.

12:15-12:30ish -- Kids in the public school down the street get home and change out of their uniforms. (They do half-days here.) I greet them with hugs and high fives as they come in.

12:45ish -- When lunch is ready (we have a kitchen staff to prepare our meals - more than 50

Friday, April 12, 2013


For those of you who do not follow me on Facebook, here are a few photos from the past couple weeks... My sunglasses (mis gafas del sol) have been a hit!

As you see the names of these children with each photo, please pray for them. Even though you may not know their individual stories and needs, God does and the Spirit will intercede through you on their behalf. So many have been through so much and yet look at the smiles on their faces... :)
May they continue to shine the Son and grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Him!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm really Here!!!

Hola y bendiciones, amigos y familia!

It is amazing to think that I have already and only been in Jimani (HEE-mah-NEE) for a week and a half! After smooth sailing (well, flying) travel, I jumped right into crazy life here.

Right now I am sitting in my bed up in Team Housing, which is the floor above the clinic on the opposite side of campus from the Children's Home. I am finally feeling fresh and clean from a cool (well... cold) shower after not having water for 2 days. Pizza flavored Pringles are my evening snack of choice and I find that they are just as addictive here as in the states ;)
(click "read more" to ... read more... and see pictures!)