
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Moments in May - a taste of life

... Some of what I have been sharing on Facebook...

May 2, 2013

After dinner, I am often in the kitchen refilling up our water pitchers to put them in the fridge. As I am squatting down with the fridge door open, Kiki comes up behind me and hops on my back. He has a bad habit of launching himself onto me when I am not expecting it and I was about to say something, but decided not to. Instead I just stood up as if I didn't even notice he was there. Well, he stuck. ^_^ And he giggled, and just held on while I went about pouring water. I couldn't resist a bit of extra lovin' on my little one and so we took some photos. 
Please pray that the Lord would protect Kiki's heart and mind from so much that he has already been exposed to at 4 years old. Pray that there would be a softness in him, and a open heart and ear to correction, knowledge of unconditional love, and a future of strength and integrity. He is one that breaks and melts my heart on an almost daily basis. Love him so much...

May 3, 2013

How much laundry do you do in a day? With a family of more than 50 kids and adults,
all hot and sweaty and dusty every time clothes are put on, laundry is a daily, day-long, continual, never-ending process. This is a ministry of service in itself and is mostly accomplished by our two house-moms.
Fortunately, we do have a washing machine, but everything still needs to be dried and folded and separated by room based on which kids belong to which clothes. 

May 5, 2013

I am reminded every day of the majesty of the Lord as he paints a mural in the sky for all to see. Today was no different, and I am thankful. Everyday I am thankful that there is beauty in this place. It feeds my soul.
And I know love.
Oh how He loves us!

May 8, 2013
Whenever it rains, it is a big event. Most people search for their warm outer layers even if there is just a sprinkle. They are not used to the refreshing cool that even a light shower brings to Jimani. Yesterday, however, just around dinner time, it began to POUR sheets of driving rain that blew almost sideways... and it WAS a bit chilly. 
These two, Kiki (4) and Yinancia (2), were suited up! 

The rain was a blessing because today has been quite comfortable, even if a little humid - but there is a harsher reality to this kind of storm, too. Many live without adequate shelter from a driving rain and so in the same breath that I thank God for life-giving water, I still sometimes ask, "Why?" One of my boys was thinking about his mother who lives in a little village with nothing - while the rest of us were running in the rain, or having fun sweeping water (have you ever tried this?) from the patio, he was crying for the conditions where his mother lives, knowing what torrential downpours can do. We cried together as my heart broke for him and the weight of knowing. I prayed with him and reminded him that God knows. ... but still I couldn't help but ask God... Why? In these moments I remind myself that He is sovereign and He cares for and loves every precious creation of His... and yes, He knows. And he sees the tears of a tender 11 year old caring for his mother. And I thank Him for that.

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