
Monday, September 8, 2014

The Heavens and I Declare His Glory

The heavens declare the glory of God,

    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
    and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
    whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
    which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
    and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
    and its circuit to the end of them,

    and there is nothing hidden from its heat. {Psalm 19:1-6}

Click below for more Glory!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

There and Back Again: Homeward Bound

When I first prepared to come to Jimani in 2012 for 10 weeks, I had no idea what God would be doing with me in the time following. He has taken me on a journey of learning to trust him more and more, pulling me out of my comfort zone and tossing me (gently, of course) into unknown and sometimes uncomfortable situations and experiences. In March 2013 I came to Jimani for a year, yet after March 2014, I was still here and did not know if God would keep me here for another year, or another thirtyIn the last several months, however, He has stirred my heart and Spirit which caused me to question and seek Him specifically about my timing or next steps. That being said, in October I will be homeward bound and moving back to the States to see what comes next in this grand journey. What a difficult decision it was, but I am confident in the Lord's leading, that he is Good, and that I can trust Him with the care of these kids whom have become so deeply embedded in my heart. After all, He loved them first. :)

I want to share with you a few examples of what I've seen God do at the Children's Home through my commitment to love and serve the kids, and through your financial and prayer support. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer Surprises and Stuff :)

Several weeks ago, I was emailing with a friend and mentor from my home church Holden Chapel and she recognized a weariness in me even through the tone of my emails. I had just come off of several weeks of short-term teams and the Hanleys' furlough, and I was tired. She asked if I could come home for a rest and when I shared the dates it would be possible for me to travel, we found that those dates just happened to correspond with the time that my parents and brothers would be in MA for a retreat weekend and family vacation. We decided to keep it a secret. ^_^

First ever family selfie :) (thanks to Collin for making it happen!)
(Speaking of - aren't my brothers handsome??)

Butterflies filled my tummy as my co-conspirator and I walked across the field at the camp where Mom and Dad were. I could see Mom talking to someone on the other side and she finally looked up and after a few moments waved to who she recognized as her friend. I waved back, but soon realized that she wasn't even bothering to look at me. (Collin told me later that he saw us and thought, "Huh. She looks a lot like Jenna.") We kept walking and Mom eventually turned from her conversation and walked toward us. It wasn't until we were only several yards apart that she recognized me and stopped dead in her tracks with a blank look of total shock. :) Dad's reaction was similar, and it is sufficient to say that there were lots of hugs and a few tears.

What a blessing and gift it was to me (and to my family!) to be able to be with them as they stayed in a cabin on Quabog Pond for the week. Refreshment to my heart and soul and spirit. :) Thank you to all those who made it possible!

Life at the Children's Home continues to be as crazy as ever and full of adventure and frustrations and smiles and laughter. In the last several weeks, we have received a new boy and another teen girl. One of our teen boys made a decision to return to Haiti to seek out his mother and brother whom he had left 2 years ago on not so great terms. (We have talked on Facebook and he tells me they are happy!) As I mentioned before, we had several summer teams come and go, and the Hanleys had a necessary break with family and friends stateside while Nana and the interns and I held down the fort on this end. 

Mackendi (11) is our newest little brother. He made this handbag out of snack packages and cardboard and then some embroidery floss to weave it all together! Sweet!
Meet Melani

Said "adios" to Lopez, but am happy to know that he has reunited with family. Pray that he will continue to seek the Lord and grow in wisdom and favor with God and with men. 

Nashda has three teeth and is practically running on her knees. She pulls herself up and I am sure will be walking soon. Baby Ruth has grown so much and talks and smiles like it is her job. (I suppose it is ^_^ )

Yinancia turned FOUR last week! She is such a big girl!

Nashda is 10 months now :) Check out those two teeth! Her first top one popped through this week.

Baby Ruth :) 

Love and blessings to you all.

Stay tuned for some upcoming news. :)


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nashda - Angel of Hope

When Nashda came to us, I called her our Angel of Hope. Nashda Esperanza is how I even write her name out sometimes. But I had no idea how true that name would be. On April 4th, Maicol (John and Melissa Hanley's son) was in an accident and died that night due to injuries - even after all the prayers and searching scripture and assured belief that he would be okay. I was sure. But he crossed into to the long side of eternity and we are left here, still grieving and asking why - but learning each step of the way to "trust in the Lord with all your heart." This all happened just a week after Nashda arrived and Jesus knew how much we would need her. Baby therapy has been the best. She cultivated smiles and laughter and joy where it seemed there could be none. 

Once again, this post is mostly pictures - and definitely more than usual... but bear with me? I am enamored of this "Lil Bit" and can't resist her cuteness. If you are interested in joining Nashda's sponsorship team, click here.

Anyway, here is a progression of pictures of Nashda from the last two months.

March 26, 2014. The day Nashda entered my heart. She came to us so sick and malnourished.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Feliz Cumpleaños!!! (I got a baby)

March Birthdays!
Gabriel (19), Enel (15), Redando (14), Jenna (24!), Kate (13)
And Nana Rhonda celebrated this month, too!

The last couple weeks have held several big markers for me - the first being my one year anniversary of living in Jimaní (March 23!); the second, my 24th BIRTHDAY (March 27!); and third, A BABY (more on that later).