
Saturday, August 16, 2014

There and Back Again: Homeward Bound

When I first prepared to come to Jimani in 2012 for 10 weeks, I had no idea what God would be doing with me in the time following. He has taken me on a journey of learning to trust him more and more, pulling me out of my comfort zone and tossing me (gently, of course) into unknown and sometimes uncomfortable situations and experiences. In March 2013 I came to Jimani for a year, yet after March 2014, I was still here and did not know if God would keep me here for another year, or another thirtyIn the last several months, however, He has stirred my heart and Spirit which caused me to question and seek Him specifically about my timing or next steps. That being said, in October I will be homeward bound and moving back to the States to see what comes next in this grand journey. What a difficult decision it was, but I am confident in the Lord's leading, that he is Good, and that I can trust Him with the care of these kids whom have become so deeply embedded in my heart. After all, He loved them first. :)

I want to share with you a few examples of what I've seen God do at the Children's Home through my commitment to love and serve the kids, and through your financial and prayer support. 

*  Caleb was an angry, volatile street kid who ran away from home years ago because of abuse - now desiring God and seeking him, learning to love and trust. Chose Jesus and was baptized.

*  Herby is a charismatic, colorful, and center of attention, but whenever we talked about the Bible or God it was all about judgment and works and hoping to get in to heaven. Now, we can talk about the grace and love of God and he is learning to truly believe in it!

*  Nashda, so close to death as a sick, sick baby, and now is thriving and giggly and fussy, crawling around like she owns the place, popping teeth, trying new foods, bringing joy and laughter to everyone.

*  Avila, 11 years old, never had been in school and could barely write out her name and could not read. And now, using Spanish, she is teaching herself to read in Haitian Creole!

*  Children learning to believe that they are beloved and wanted, being encouraged in talents and celebrated for their accomplishments.

*  Learning of the Heavenly Father's love not only for the kids, but also for me, and learning how to parent under His tutelage.

*  Questions about, "How do you hear God talking to you?" and other inquisitive ponderings.

*  All of us singing praise songs together.

*  Talk of God's presence and angels and heaven before bedtime.

*  The Lord's grace and comfort in times of painful loss and the opportunities to speak of the hope of eternity.

Living in a foreign country, learning a new language and culture, acting as mother to 8 girls, and opening my heart to dozens more children has been challenging in SO many ways. It has stretched and pulled and bent and taught me more than I could have imagined in the span of a year and a half. I have cried tears of joy and of pain. I have been disappointed and sad, and have felt profound pride. I have shouted in frustration and exploded with laughter. I have questioned and doubted, and I have given and received love. What an enormous privilege it has been to be a part of this work and I thank God for the opportunity even as He calls me into new good things.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who have partnered with me in this chapter of my story. Your financial support, prayers, and simple words of encouragement have been a beautiful testimony and reflection of God's faithfulness. For now, I will be returning to Chattanooga for a time of refreshment and seeking direction for the next season of life. You can keep in touch through Facebook and email. 

If you would like to continue to keep in touch with the children at the Home, "like" our page on Facebook

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God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Glory to God in the church!
Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
Glory down all the generations!
Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!       {Ephesians 3:20, MSG}
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Yinancia and I out exploring a little bit this morning, checking out the goat who was looking for breakfast in the fire pit...
And to think that this has been my "normal" ... and that I will be once again discovering a "new normal" ...
Here horizons, I will miss you. New horizons, here I come!


  1. Jenna, be assured of my prayer for you during this transition. Even though you are right in the center of God's will and following His lead, transitions can be difficult times. His grace is all sufficient! Hallelujah! He will never leave you or forsake you. He is with with you and I am confident has new and wonderful ways to use you in the days ahead!

  2. I have enjoyed reading about and seeing pictures of your journey in Dominican Republic. I will continue to pray for you as you rest and wait on Him to direct your next steps. Love you!

  3. SO proud of you! Thank you for being an example of what it looks like to live your life completely surrendered to God.

  4. Prayers to you Jenna as you prepare for this transition. What an amazing chapter in the story of your life! Trusting God to lead and guide your every step and to be Provider for you and the kids whom you have grown to love. Many Blessings...Jennie
